Power Salesforce CPQ with consumption-based pricing and rating
With Continuous, you can add flexible consumption pricing to your existing workflows by infusing Salesforce CPQ with advanced rating logic, variables, and features that drive revenue.

Enable enterprise selling success with consumption-based billing features configured right in Salesforce CPQ. For example, multi-dimensional rate cards, ramped pricing, and more.
With Continuous, you can add flexible consumption pricing to your existing workflows by infusing Salesforce CPQ with advanced rating logic, variables, and features that drive revenue.
Continuous supports any rating dimension, performing complex calculations in a decoupled environment and seamlessly connecting them back into Salesforce. As a result, create usage pricing waterfalls and rate usage based on any combination of factors.
Say goodbye to expensive integrations. Our easy-to-install AppExchange package and API-first usage metering and rating engine add new capabilities to your existing Salesforce CPQ instance without creating an engineering backlog.
Enable scalable, flexible consumption-based capabilities without requiring expensive integrations. No matter what your stack looks like, Continuous makes things simple.