Quote-to-Consumption Based Model for Salesforce RCA

Meet the world’s first all-in-one Quote-to-Consumption solution. Specifically, it’s designed for powerful usage-based and hybrid pricing models using Salesforce Revenue Cloud Advanced (RCA). As a result, you can harness the power of RCA for enterprise consumption businesses.

Accelerate your path to prosperity

The great thing about Salesforce RCA is that it’s a powerful, open application platform. Because of this, we take the risk out of RCA deployment. We leverage both our robust pricing and rating infrastructure and our years of deep expertise in the market. Consequently, this allows us to create a solution that doesn’t require bespoke, custom configuration. Continuous can be deployed for Salesforce RCA quickly with clicks, not code, so you can lead your team to a new world of Quote-to-Consumption with any usage-based or hybrid business model.

Tailored enterprise pricing and rating

Quoting is different for consumption-based businesses, with credits and forecasted usage all driving pricing. Because of this, use Continuous to generate quotes optimized for your customers’ usage habits and growth levers. Specifically, you can estimate usage, recommend prepayment amounts, and offer flexible pricing options that drive retention and revenue.

Bill where you want, how you want

Use powerful billing aggregation functionality to provide all of the details and traceability your invoice system needs. Whether you use Salesforce RCA invoice capabilities or financial systems of record like NetSuite or Workday, we simplify billing for consumption-based companies. In other words, we remove the headache associated with this type of billing.

We provide how much to invoice for prepayments, including recurring and ramped charges.

We can aggregate millions of consumption into hourly, daily, and monthly charges. For this reason, these charges can be easily processed with your existing order-to-cash process.

Revenue recognition is simplified. This is because a detailed credit ledger tracks exactly what prepayment was used, even with complex overlapping credits.

Allow your billing team to use their tools and process for billing, while we provide all the details so no more manual processes are needed.

Dynamic, multi-dimensional rating

Calculate charges based on many factors or dimensions, like time, volume, type of service, or location. Equally important, dynamic rate cards enable you to create multiple pricing matrixes. In addition, they provide the ability to perform price uplifts and generate usage pricing waterfalls.

Increase Cash Flow with prepayment and commitment pricing

Effortlessly manage various types of prepayments in Salesforce. This allows you to enable features that increase customer loyalty. Furthermore, you can offer enterprise-grade credit options to improve cash-flow and simplify the selling process.

Continuous credit balance

Track promotional and purchased credits over time, with the ability to perform overdrafts and limits.

Dynamic prepayment & commitment management

Manage prepayments in the form of deposits, gift cards, revenue blocks, minimum commitments, and affinity programs.

Virtual and local currency management

Sell and manage credits in both local and virtual currencies, giving you the freedom to choose how to monetize your product offering

Incentive & customer satisfaction credits

Grant bonus and promotional credits to sweeten the deal or help improve customer satisfaction

Enterprise credit pools

Consolidate and manage shared credit pools that can be used across account hierarchies or within partner channels

Automated credit top-ups

Set up automatic credit reload and top-ups based on configurable thresholds. As a result, ensure a seamless experience for customers.

Don’t have RCA yet? We can help.

Our specialized onboarding team will guide you through your RCA implementation while adding functionality and value with Continuous.

Other products

Salesforce credit & consumption management
Usage metering & rating engine

See how Continuous gives you more flexibility and control